Friday, April 8, 2011

Search, Ponder and Pray

This movie includes the sign language for both verses. We will be using the sign language as part of our Primary Program in October 2011 so please encourage your children to learn it and continue practicing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Primary Program

The Primary Program will be September 26th.

Please arrive early so your child can be seated on the stand prior to the beginning of the meeting. The Sunbeams will be sitting on the first row with their teachers and will walk to the front after the completion of the Sacrament.

Don't forget to practice or memorize your lines!

Come, Follow Me

We are memorizing the first verse of Hymn #116 "Come, Follow Me" in Sign Language for the upcoming program. Several of our primary children helped us make this movie so that everyone can practice the sign language at home.

Thanks to Sister Brady for teaching us the song and the sign language.